13 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Keterampilan Guru melalui Pelatihan Khutbah Jumat di SMP Muhammadiyah 9 Yogyakarta

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    Problem yang dihadapi masyarakat dewasa ini adalah semakin kurangnya minat dan bakat umat Islam terhadap penguasaan ilmu agama apalagi pada era digital dan global seperti sekarang ini. Hal ini berimplikasi kepada sebagian masyarakat yang kurang percaya diri dalam menyampaikan dakwah Islam baik dalam bentuk ceramah pengajian maupun khutbah jumat. Karena itu pengetahuan dan wawasan keilmuan umat Islam terutama dalam berkhutbah perlu dilatih. Pelatihan khutbah jumat ini dilatikan kepada para guru SMP Muhammadiyah 9 Yogyakarta. Pengabdian ini bertujuan agar para guru bisa menjadi khatib jumat yang ada di sekitar sekolahnya. Pengabdian ini menggunakan metode ceramah, diskusi dan praktik khutbah jumat. Ceramah berisi penjelasan tentang tata cara khutbah berdasarkan tuntunan syariat, kemudian praktik khutbah yang nanti bisa ditiru oleh para guru laki-laki untuk praktik di depan dengan teks khutbah. Hasil dari pengabdian ini tentunya memberikan kontribusi positif bagi para guru SMP Muhammadiyah 9, yaitu: Pertama, para guru dapat memahami khutbah jumat yang baik berdasarkan Alquran dan hadis. Kedua, para guru mengetahui tata cara dan langkah yang dilakukan dalam melakukan khutbah jumat yang sesuai dengan tuntunan. Ketiga, para guru dapat mempraktekkan khtbah jumat dengan baik. Keempat, para guru dapat mengetahui setelah langsung dengan mempraktekkan khutbah jumat di hadapan semua orang. Kelima, sebagian dari mereka menjadi terbiasa melaksanakan khutbah jumat yang sesuai dengan tuntunan. Kelima, para guru antusias dan menjadi khazanah pengetahuan yang selama ini hanya berkhutbah tanpa didasari dengan ilmunya

    Unjuk-kerja Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Hibrid Berbasis Mikrohidro dan Surya

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    Sumber energi terbarukan yang sangat potensial adalah energi mikrohidro dan surya. Dalam aplikasinya, diperlukan suatu pembangkit listrik berukuran kecil dengan beban listrik yang sesuai yang dapat digunakan secara fleksibel. Dalam penelitian ini dibahas performa pembangkit listrik hibrid tenaga surya dan mikrohidro portable. Pembangkit listrik hybrid tersebut dirancang dengan kapasitas maksimum 1100 watt. Pembangkit listrik yang dirancang adalah bersifat portable, sehingga dapat dibawa dan dipindahkan dengan mudah sesuai lokasi yang sesuai. Lokasi yang sesuai untuk operasional pembangkit listrik ini adalah saluran irigasi, sungai kecil, atau selokan dengan area terbuka. Hal ini dimaksudkan agar pembangkit listrik ini menghasilkan daya listrik yang optimal, karena selain mendapatkan aliran air untuk menggerakkan mikrohidro juga mendapatkan paparan sinar matahari yang cukup. Ujicoba pembangkit listrik ini telah dilakukan untuk uji tanpa beban dan menghasilkan keluaran tegangan yang memadai. Pengujian telah dilakukan untuk pulley turbin mikrohidro berukuran 45 mm dan 100 mm. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa pulley turbin mikrohidro berukuran 45 mm menghasilkan daya listrik yang lebih tinggi dibanding pulley 100 mm

    Electrical Design of a Portable Pure Sine Wave Inverter Using Ferrite Core Transformer and Double Stage Technique

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    The size of the iron core transformer in an inverter is large and heavy because it has more conductor turns and works at low frequencies. In contrast, ferrite core transformers are designed to work at high frequencies, so the number of turns of the conductor is less, and the transformer size is relatively small and light. Device portability is a significant challenge in designing high-power inverters. This research uses a ferrite core transformer to design a portable pure sine wave inverter. A two-stage technique is proposed in designing the inverter so that the dc-link voltage and capacitor size can be flexibly selected, and the device size can be compacted. The design consists of two stages. First, a circuit to generate a 400-Volt DC voltage is designed using IC SG3525, a MOSFET power amplifier, and a ferrite core step-up transformer. Second, a pure sine wave generator circuit is constructed using an EGS002 module, MOSFETs, and a filter circuit. Experiments are performed by measuring the output voltage, monitoring power and frequency, and observing the waveform with an oscilloscope. The results reveal that the designed inverter can generate a 220-volt pure sine wave output, a maximum power of 500 Watts, a frequency of 50 Hz, and an efficiency between 91.4% to 98.1%

    Design of pH Monitoring System for Koi Pond

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    Koi fish farming has increased significantly and become a promising profession in Bantul, however the farmer faced many challenges to produce good Koi fish. Koi fish productivity affected by water quality as a result of good water treatment and filtering. pH is one of the main indicators for good water quality in Koi farming, whilst not many Koi farmer can afford to buy adequate equipment for their ponds. The purpose of this Community Service Program was to help and empower the community in increasing the koi fish farming productivity. The target group of this project was either groups or persons running micro-enterprises in Koi farming. The specific target of this project is to be able to provide and apply appropriate technology to the community. pH monitoring system was designed to provide cheap and appropriate tools applicable and available in the community. By making the design available for replication, the community can work together to procure goods/systems independently. Therefore, the system designed will not burden the community individually. The targeted koi fish farmers are expected to be role models for other farmers. The results of the manufacture of this precise technology-based tool have been completed with the results of the pH meter monitoring accuracy was higher than 98%. &nbsp

    Analysis of 4G LTE Indoor Networks Performance with Networks in the Engineering Faculty G5 Building Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

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    Analysis of the performance of the LTE network with WiFi networks was carried out in the G5 building of the Faculty of Engineering, University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, which is the building of the Faculty of Engineering Laboratory. This research was conducted by comparing the LTE network with indoor or indoor WiFi networks, measuring these two networks using the Network Analyzer and Wifi Analyzer application to obtain information on signal quality data based on KPI and TIPHON standardization, which shows RSRP, RSRQ, and Throughput values through measurement using the Network Analyzer and Wifi Analyzer application. From the results of research that has been done shows that the G5 building has a WiFi internet network that is superior to the LTE internet network. The overall condition of the Wifi network is in very good condition and is stable for each floor. While the LTE network even though it has increased conditions on the second floor but overall is in a bad condition to normal. The LTE network has an RSRP value with an average of -143 dBm, while a WiFi network with an average of -90 dBm. Then the LTE network has an RSRQ value with an average of -13 dBm, while the Wifi network with an average of -15 dBm. For LTE network throughput it has an average max. ping by 50.9 ms and min. ping is 864.5 ms, while WiFi networks have max average. ping by 24.3 ms and min. ping of 144.5 ms. From the results of these data show that the G5 Building has a good WiFi network and is superior to the LTE network

    Energy Efficiency Through Lighting and Cooling System Approach

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    This work reports the implementation of using energy efficient electronic devices to reduce the electricity consumption in Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY). The first step taken by UMY is to replace lighting and cooling system in all its rooms using energy saving devices. This research was conducted in building E4. This research was conducted by surveying the designated building to get data about lighting and air conditioner devices used in the E4 building. If the proposed concept is applied to lighting and cooling system, UMY would be able to reduce electricity consumption by 28.1 MWh, and this can support the breakthrough of turning UMY into a green campus

    Potentials of Organic Waste Conversion in a Green Campus Concept

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    Development of waste-to-energy plant is regarded as one of a solution to reduce fossil energy dependency and switch to another alternative energy sources, thus needs to be implemented immediately. Research on the potential of organic waste by taking case studies at UMY green campus program can be an illustration that in the future UMY can process this potential into an alternative renewable energy. This research was conducted by studying waste management and data collection methods, such as field observations, discussions with related parties about the waste cycle, and calculations with the concept of gasification. Calculation of biomass produced by organic waste is then supplied to the motor generator for electricity production. Annually, 31.8 tons of organic waste could produce 7.9 kiloliters of biomass and channel it to the power plant system for generating electricity energy as much as 5.3 MWh per year. This number equals to the electricity supply of five small-housing in Indonesian typical house

    Design of Backpack Sprayer with Electrical Pumping System Using Quality Function Development Approach to Optimize the Agricultural Facility

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    This paper presents an electric back sprayer based on the attributes required by sprayer users with the Quality Function Deployment (QFD) methodology by optimizing sprayers owned by farmers. In agriculture, the process of crop management and care and pest control is carried out routinely to obtain optimal results. The technical implementation of these efforts is carried out through soil and air media by spraying the plant organs. To keep the pressure and spray results stable, continuous pumping is required. This resulted in certainly more energy needed. Based on the results of research on farmers using a sprayer, the type that is widely used is the type of back sprayer. However, in the use of back type sprayers, farmers still experience problems. Problems encountered in using a back sprayer will be reviewed and overcome by developing a sprayer based on the wishes of the farmer. The design of the back sprayer using the Quality Function Deployment (QFD) method is more appropriate to be used in determining the attributes of the development of a back sprayer following the wishes of the fertilizer sprayer user. The resulting sprayer design is expected to be able to overcome the weaknesses in the back sprayer without having to procure a new sprayer, where the problem of the non-constant pressure level in pumping can be overcome